Quand les artistes pensent l'economie
Curated by Françoise Paviot.
Opening 8 February 6.00-9.00 pm
Topographie de l'Art
15, rue de Thorigny - 75003 Paris
8 February 2025 - 5 April 2025
works on display :
"The Eye of the bull", video, 2016.
and a selection of photographic works of the series :"La loi du sol ( The Law of the Land)" , Spain 2011 - 2016.
round table on Saturday March 15th from 3.00 to 6.00pm

Curated by Julia Garimorth et Maria Stavrinaki.
Musée d'art moderne de Paris
11 Avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris
11 October 2024 - 9 February 2025

Curated by Christian Caujolle and Lauriane Gricourt .
Collections photographiques des abattoirs et de la Galerie du Château d'Eau .
les Abattoirs
Musée Les Abattoirs, - Frac Occitanie Toulouse
76 allées Charles de Fitte - 31300 Toulouse
11 October 2024 - 18 Mai 2025
work on display: Fluffy Clouds, Sellafield , 2005 .

Art direction : Matteo Campagnoli
Curated by Luca Fiore .
Solo show.
Babel Festival , Bellinzona, Switzerland
Opening : Thursday 12 September 2024 5.30 pm
Artist talk with Luca Fiore in Teatro Sociale
sunday 15 September 2024 : 10h30 - 12h00
Spazio 5b
Via Salvioni 5b
Bellinzona, (CH)
12 - 25 September 2024

Power Up, imaginaires techniques et utopies sociales
Curated by Géraldine Gourbe, Fanny Lopez, Sandrine Wymann.
Works by Carla Adra, Jessica Arseneau, Marjolijn Dijkman, John Adolphus Etzler, Hilary Galbreaith, Maya Mihindou, Jürgen Nefzger, Claude Parent, Liv Schulman, Suzanne Treister, Tomi Ungerer, .
La Kunsthalle Mulhouse
Centre d'art contemporain
La Fonderie, Mulhouse
16 February - 28 April 2024

Solo show Galerie Robespierre, Grande Synthe,
16 September- 14 October
This exhibition is part of the Dunkerque triennal ART & Industrie and brings together the three main works on nuclear power : "Fluffy Clouds" , "Bure, or life in the woods" and the latest one, still in progress, on french uranium mines.
Galerie Municipale Robespierre
Place de l'Europe

Curated by Luce Lebart and Nathalie Giraudeau
Works by Pepe Atocha, Crystal Bennes, Simon Boudvin, Véronique Ellena, María Elvira Escallón, Lia Giraud, Geoffroy Mathieu, Nelly Monnier et Éric Tabuchi, Jürgen Nefzger, Edith Roux, Bruno Serralongue, SMITH et Kristof Vrancken
The exhibition Mauvaises herbes ! (bad weeds) gathers recent works which, involving photography, venture into the universe as much alive as symbolic of these weeds.
Centre Photographique d’Île-de-France"
12 February - 7 Mai 2023"
Jürgen Nefzger joins the show with a selection of pictures from Bure, or live in the woods

Exhibition catalogue
including an essai by Jürgen Nefzger :
"sur les hauteurs d'un monde abimé"
(on the heights of a damaged world)
200 pages
180 illustrations
Size 24,5 x 30 cm
Publisher : Silvana Editoriale, Milano, Italy
Publication date : end 2022
ISBN: 9788836653324
Catalogue published on the occasion of the same titled exhibition at Musée-Château d'Annecy
15 December 2022 -20 March 2023"
From the nineteenth to the twenty-first century, the exhibition crosses the views of artists and viewers questioning the depicted subject as a moment of what has been.
Featuring works by les frères Bisson, Adolphe Braun ,les frères Lumière, Beatrix Von Conta, Luigi Ghirri, Jürgen Nefzger, Walter Niedermayr, Gina Pane, Eric Poitevin…
Curated by Lucie Cabanes , head of the contemprary art collection and Sophie Marin - head of the historic collection
15 December 2022 -20 March 2023"
Musée-Château d'Annecy
Palais de l'Île -Annecy, France

Comme de longs échos qui de loin se confondent
The LAAC, Lieu d'art et action contemporaine celebrates it's 40 years !
For this anniversary, the museum returns to the principles of its creation by honoring the artists of the collection and by inviting thirteen artists, each of whom will dialogue with historical pieces of their choice.
group show
19 November 2022 -07 May 2023
302 avenue des Bordées
showing a collaborative project between Natacha Mercier (painting) and Jürgen Nefzger (photography)

Photographie contemporaine & anthropocène
Essai by Danièle Méaux
The "Anthropocene" is a mark of a profound civilizational crisis. The foundations on which Western societies have long felt solidly established now seem precarious. The confidence given to technical progress and scientific acquisitions is shaken.
Numerous contemporary photographic works have attempted to problematize and reflect on the evolution of our lifestyles, our values, our relationship to life, to time and to progress. This book aims to analyze the way in which these works provide food for thought, and are a fruitful part of the public debate.
112 illustrations, 288 pages , French
Published by : Filigranes Editions, Paris ,
Publication date : 7 November 2022
ISBN: ISBN : 978-2-35046-585-2

« Quelques-uns riaient, d'autres pleuraient, la plupart restaient silencieux »
Curated by : Bruno Elisabeth
This exhibition and the works which compose it, bring some elements of reflections in order to support the idea that "no need to be a scientist in atomic physics to have the moral and political right to think about nuclear power".
07 October - 16 December 2022
group show
works by Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, Denis Briand, Jacques Castan, Bruce Conner, Dorian Degoutte, Julie Giraud, Isao Hashimoto, Nicolas Lelievre, Jurgen Nefzger, Jean-Gabriel Périot, Arzhel Prioul, Anaïs Tondeur.
Galerie Art & Essai -Université Rennes 2
Place du Recteur Henri Le Moal - Rennes, France

Champs Magnétiques - Photographie et recherches en sciences humaines et sociales
Group show dedicated to the artist in residence program initiated by Nice Cote d’Azur University in 2020 featuring the works of the seven laureates : Hubert Crabières, Marina Gadonneix, Jürgen Nefzger, Lynn S.K, Smith, Eleonora Strano et Silina Syan.
On display : Jürgen Nefzger « La zone de dehors /la zone du dedans » reflecting on Smart City Meridia in collaboration with the research unit ESPACES-UMR 7300 CNRS « Trans Metro med »directed by Giovanni Fusco .
festival L’IMAGE_SATELLITE 2022
Le 109 - pôle de cultures contemporaines
89 Route de Turin - 06300 Nice
23 June -10 October 2022

archéologie glaciaire
group show
23 June -10 October 2022
Vernissage : 6.00 pm on June 22th
Musée-Château d'Annecy
Palais de l'Île
Annecy, France
on show : Pictures from the serie Pantha Rhei 2006

Cellule de performance
group show
7 April - 17 July 2022
opening on 6 February 6.00 - 9.30 pm
Fondation des artistes - MABA
Maison d'Art Bernard Anthonioz
16, rue Charles VII
94130 Nogent-sur-Marne

FRAC île-de-france
19 Mai -6 Juin 2021
a kids selection of works in the collection
Frac Île-de-France, Les Réserves
43 rue de la Commune de Paris
93230 Romainville
featuring works by: John Baldessari, Candida Höfer, Jürgen Nefzger, Bill Owens, Florence Paradeis...

Revue Techniques & Culture, #74 , 2020
éditions EHESS
If the situation is not tenable, and if we are running towards catastrophe, how can we fight against the way things are going? What tools, what means do we have to disrupt the mechanics of the relationships of domination??
With an essai on my work by Raphaële Bertho
Featuring a portfolio of Bure and Fluffy Clouds
ISBN: 978-2-7132-2840-7

20 years of contempary french photography
Introduction by Michel Poivert
Le Bleu du Ciel- Loco Edition, 2021
Introduction by Michel Poivert
Essais by Gilles Verneret on twenty years of encounters with works and artists
24X28 cm , 256 p. french
ISBN : 978-2-843140-35-8

"Regards sur..."
Winner of the artist in residency program UCA 2020
Project : La zone du dehors , Smart City Merida
UCA - University Cote d'Azur- Acadmie 5
Laboratoire de recherche ESPACES (ESPACE - UMR 7300 CNRS / Aix-Marseille Université / Université d'Avignon / Université Côte d'Azur)

La carte et le confiment -newspaper take away
During the first lockdown twelve students of ESAAix worked on a photo project using their 1 /hour 1km authorisation to investage on their close surroundings
Project directed by Jürgen Nefzger
Graphic design by David Poullard
Essai by Romain* Bigé
Financial support by Le bleu du ciel, Lyon ,
ESAAix , Ecole supérieure d'Art d'Aix-en-Provence
Voilà l'eté -LE 109 - Nice
Printed in England by Newspaper Club, 2020

Les 55 jours de Pékin ou l’art du confinement
Group Show
screening :"The eye of the bull", 2016
Lounch of the newspaper "La carte et le confinement"
02 October - 28 November 2020
Le Bleu du Ciel Centre de photographie contemporaine 12, rue des Fantasques -69001 Lyon

Group Show
video installation : "The eye of the bull", 2016
and La carte et le confinement
a combined project with my students from ESAAix
July 10- August 29 2020
Le 109,
Pole de cultures contempraines
89, route de Turin, Nice

Once again Spector Books will be part of Offprint Paris. Find us among 160 independent publishers from around the globe for my book signing of
Bure , or life in the woods
Book signing : 2.00 pm on Saturday 9 November
Off Print
Ecole des Beaux Arts de Paris
14, rue Bonaparte
75006 Paris
from 7 to 9 November 2019

un regard contemporain /
aspects of contemporary photography
in the Florence & Damien Bachelot collection
Florence and Damien Bachelot have been collectors for over 15 years. Many of the works in their collection reflect mankind’s vision of his environment and the manner in which he has transformed it.
Salon de la Photo
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
07-10 November, 2019
Sesena, Spain, 2012 from the work La loi du Sol
Pigment Print 200 x160 cm

07-10 November, 2019
Grand Palais, Paris
Galerie Françoise Paviot
Booth D-22
in this years edition of Paris Photo Bure will be in excellent company
neighbouring works by Atget and Brassai
" Shelter in the woods of Bois Lejuc, Bure, 2017"

Flight Interrupted: Eco-leaks from the Invasion Desk
Karachi, Pakistan
Oct 26 – Nov 12 2019KB19 invites artists to challenge mythologies of development cast in concrete and measured in extinct species, wasted bodies, sterile lands and poisoned waters. Construct an echo-archive of personal and national memory.
Biennale participation with the film :
The Cloud Machine
Experimental video, hdv couleur, 12:35

Fluffy Clouds / Bure or life in the woods
Solo Show
18 October - 29 December 2019
This exhibition is supported by the CNAP
Centre National des Arts Plastiques
Vernissage : 6.30 pm on October 17th
CRI des Lumières
Chateau de Lunéville
Place de la 2e Division de Cavalerie
Lunéville, France

Paysage(s) en vue
Group Show
28 September - 31 December 2019This exhibition is part of the festival Photaumnales
Opening on Saturday 28.09.at 11.00 am
MUDO Musée de l'Oise
1, rue du Musée

Museum für Photographie Braunschweig
Reiselust und Müssiggang
Group Show
20 July - 29 September 2019Jürgen Nefzger will attend the opening on July 19th
followed by the summerparty starting 7.00pm
Museum für Photographie Braunschweig
Helmstedter Strasse 1
38102 Braunschweig

Il était une fois le paysage
Parcours métropolitain d’art contemporain
Selected Works from the Fond Regional d'Art Contemporain Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur
06 July - 4 August 2019Galerie de l’Usine Electrique
164 Avenue du Général de Gaulle
13190 Allauch

Release of my latest book
Bure, or Life in the woods
96 pages
Publisher : Spector books, Leipzig
Design by Hannes Drißner, Spector Buero
Width: 24 cm / Length: 30 cm
Japanese bound softcover
60 photographs
Language(s): English, French
Publication date : 1 July 2019
ISBN: 9783959053082
Henry David Thoreau’s essay : On the Duty of Civil Disobedience from 1849 is published here as an accompaniment to Nefzger’s photographs.

Mobile /Immobile
Group Show
commisioned by Forum Vies Mobiles
curated by Hélène Jagot and François Michaud
16 January - 29 April 2019
Archives Nationales
60, rue des Francs Bourgeois,

Jürgen Nefzger - Solo Show
12 January to 24 February 2019 Opening Friday January 11th
La Chambre
4, place d'Austerlitz

08-11 November, 2018
Grand Palais, Paris
Galerie Françoise Paviot
Booth D-22
The video film :"The Eye of the bull", 2016 is included in this years film section at MK2 Grand Palais .
Screening : 8 Thursday and 9 Saturday November .

Maison Abandonné - Villa Cameline, Nice
Cabinet Atomique
Group Show
Opening 20 September 7.00pm
20 September to 26 October 2018
Maison Abandonné - Villa Cameline
43, avenue Montplaisir

Centre de la Photographie Genève
Zerrissene Gesellschaft - Ereignisse von langer Dauer
Une société dechirée - des évènements de longue durée
Curated by Jan Wenzel and Anne König
12 September to 21 October 2018
Centre de la Photographie Genève
28, rue des Bains, Geneva , Switzerland

BEST OFF Nuit de l'année
a selection of works from the festival evening
9 July to 24 September 2018Bure, or life in the woods
Experimental video, hdv couleur, 6.30, 2018
Exhibition space MONOPRIX (22)

Nuit de l'année
6 July, 2018starting 10.00 pm
Festival screening of :
Bure, or life in the woods
Experimental video, hdv couleur, 6.30, 2018
Papeterie Etienne

new cinema and contemporary art
24 June, 20183.00pm
Festival screening of :
The Cloud Machine
Experimental video, hdv couleur, 12:35
Haus der Kulturen
John-Foster-Dulles Allee 10

40e Estivales Photographiques du Trégor
The Lannion Art Center Limagerie is celebrating it's forty years
with a choice of works out of it's large collection.
23 June to 29 September 2018
19, rue Jean Savidan

group show
29 April to 3 June 2018
Art Space La Brasserie
Click here for an Exhibition view of the new work
"Bure,or life in the woods" , 2017

Rencontres International Paris/Berlin
new cinema and contemporary art12 April, 2018
Festival Evening
I'm very honored to open the screening program COLLECTION at 9.30 pm with The Cloud Machine
Experimental video, hdv couleur, 12:35
Carreau du Temple
75003 Paris

09-12 November, 2017
Grand Palais, Paris
Galerie Françoise Paviot
Booth D18
Jürgen Nefzger will be present for the official opening of Paris Photo on Wednesday 08 th.

Paysages français
group show
24 october 2017 - 4 february 2018
tuesday - saturday 10.00 am - 7.00pm
sunday 1.00-7.00 pm
Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Site François Miterrand
Quai François Mauriac
75706 Paris

Un monde intranquille
group show
9 july to 15 october 2017
Centre d'art Abbaye Saint André
Meymac, France

Work & Leisure
group show
12 May to 8 September 2017
Deutsche Boerse AG
The Cube, Eschborn , Germany

Contre Nature
solo show
23 february - 30 April 2017
opening on 22 February 6.00 - 9.30 pm
Maison d'Art Bernard Anthonioz
16, rue Charles VII
94130 Nogent-sur-Marne

expositions MIROIRS
group show
December 2016 - September 2017
Louvre Lens
Pavillion de verre
99, rue Paul Bert
Lens, France

screening : THE CLOUD MACHINE, 2016
29 november - 4 december 2016
Hotel Windsor
11, rue Dalpozzo
06000 Nice

A new online programme every fifteen days
Das Wasser des Lebens, video, 2014
7 -20 november 2016
Saison Video
21, avenue Le Corbusier
59042 Lille

09-13 November, 2016
Grand Palais, Paris
Galerie Françoise Paviot
Booth D18
Jürgen Nefzger will be present for the official opening of Paris Photo on Wednesday 09 th.
Centre commercial Porte des VOSGES, 2016
8 pigment prints 40X50 cm
Edition of 5

Solo show
15 September -31 December 2016
Musée de la Photographie André Villiers
67, rue de l'Eglise

Screening of "Das Wasser des Lebens, video, 2014
25 June 2016 , 10.00pm - 1.30 am / 22.00h-1.30h
Musée de l'Elysée
Avenue de l'Elysée 18

habiter le monde
group show
2 June 2016 - 25 September 2016
arc en rêve
centre d'architecture
7, rue Ferrère
Bordeaux, France

group show
20 Mai 2016 - 18 June 2016
Circonstance Galerie
3, place Félix Faure
Nice, France

Le Centre national des arts plastiques s'expose
group show
22 April 2016 - 01 October 2016
Espaces d’expositions du ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
182, rue Saint-Honoré
Paris 1er

A vous de voir / test your way of seeing
group show
4 february 2016 - 26 March 2016
Galerie Michèle Chomette
24, rue Beaubourg
75003 Paris

group show
6 December 2015 - 26 March 2016
Domaine départemental de Chamarande
38 rue du Commandant Arnoux
91730 Chamarande, France

12-15 November, 2015
Grand Palais, Paris
Galerie Françoise Paviot
Booth B32
Jürgen Nefzger will be present for the official opening of Paris Photo on Wednesday 11th.

LAAC -contemporary art museum
group show
17 October 2015 - 3 April 2016
Jardin de Sculptures - 302 avenue des bordées
59140 Dunkirk

Daniele Meaux
FILIGRANES Editions , Paris
language :french
152 p.
20,00 €
ISBN: 978-2-35046-358-2

Régis Durand on Jürgen Nefzger - Villaflores
Revue Mettray #8 September 2015, Marseille
language :french

dans la collection du Château d'Eau
group show
14 March – 7 June 2015
Couvent des Jacobins
Rue Lakanal
31 000 Toulouse

Le lotissement : histoires d'une architecture sans histoire
Photographies de Sandrine Marc, Jürgen Nefzger
et Cyrus Cornut
2 February – 8 March 2015
Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication,
182, rue Saint-Honoré
75001 Paris

Galerie Françoise Paviot
Jürgen Nefzger : RESIDENCIAL
Images d'une Espagne en crise
Solo show
Galerie Françoise Paviot
57, rue Sainte-Anne
75002 Paris
24 January - 7 March 2015
Vernissage / Opening reception on
Saturday 24 January 5.00-9.00 pm

VILLAFLORES Exhibition catalogue
This catalogue is published in conjunction
with the exhibtions at
Bleu du ciel photography center, Lyon &
Galerie Françoise Paviot, Paris
catalogue 36 p.duotone
Afterword by Gilles Verneret,
Le Bleu du Ciel / Galerie Françoise Paviot
ISBN 9 782912 132482

De Valdecaballeros à Villaflores
Images d'une Espagne en crise
Solo show
Le Bleu du Ciel - Centre de Photographie
12 Rue des Fantasques
69001 Lyon - France
20 November2014 - 17 January 2015

20 000 LIEUX...
Voyage dans les collections de la Société Générale et du LAAC
LAAC, lieu d'Art et Action contemporaine, Dunkerque, France
15 November 2014 -15 February 2015

Landmark: the fields of Landscape Photography
William Ewing
Thames & Hudson, London
Publication date : 6 octobre 2014
Landmark is a defining survey of contemporary landscape photography. It features more than 230 images by over 100 leading photographers of today.

120 photographs from 24 artists
celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Art Collection
02 October2014 -15 January 2015
The Cube, Eschborn, Germany

Asombrosas afinidades(Surprising Affinities)
group exhibition
curated by Jean-Marc Lacabe
07 June – 31 August 2014
Plaza de San Nicolás, s/n
16001 Cuenca, Spain

André Mérian, Jürgen Nefzger
Édith Roux, Vytautas Stanionis.
19 April – 29 June 2014
Captures - Centre d’art contemporain,
Voûtes du Port, 19 quai Amiral Meyer
Royan, France

Works from the art collection
Chateau d'Eau Toulouse
18 February - 03 Mai 2014
La Galerie du 5eme
Galerie Lafayette
40, rue Saint- Ferréol Marseille, France
Paysage Cosa Mentale
Christine Ollier
Editions Loco
book signing on 5 December 2013 , 7.00pm
LOCO 6, rue Charles-François Dupuis, 75003 Paris

14-17 November, 2013
Grand Palais, Paris
Galerie Françoise Paviot
Booth B32
Jürgen Nefzger will be present for the official opening of Paris Photo on Wednesday 13th.
Ma petite Amazonie, France, 2013
C-print 100X125 cm
Edition of 5

Les acquisitions du FMAC
Fonds Municipal d'Art Contemporain - Ville de Paris
2 recent acquisitions from the series Case studies Spain by the municpal Art collection of Paris
on show at the annual art fair FIAC
24 October- 27 October, 2013
Booth 0.C01 - Grand Palais

Solo Exhibition
30 September- 25 October, 2013
La galérie Itinérante de l'IUP AIC
Université d'Aix-Marseille
Espace Van Gogh
Place Félix Rey,
Opening on October 10th 12.30pm
followed by a presentation of Jürgen Nefzger's work at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie, Arles

essai photographie
Portfolios by André Merian, Lars Tunbjörk, Patrizia di Fiore , Jürgen Nefzger and others
Forum Vies Mobiles
Edition Loco
144 pages

The Arts and Sciences
at the outset of the Anthropocene
11 September- 14 December, 2013
Group Exhibition
ERES Stiftung,
Römerstrasse 15
Munich, Germany

Du bon usage de la photographie
Veronique Ellena & Jürgen Nefzger
21 June- 15 September, 2013
Chapelle de l'Hôpital Général,
rue Sainte-Rose,
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Curated by François Cheval

Group Exhibition
works from the public collection FRAC Alsace
26 Mai - 29 Mai, 2013
Maison de la Région Alsace, Strasbourg

Group Exhibition
6 October- 19 December, 2012
Galerie de l'Arsenal, Metz
curated by Christine Ollier

15-18 November, 2012
Grand Palais, Paris
Galerie Françoise Paviot
Jürgen Nefzger will be present for the official opening of Paris Photo on Wednesday 14th.

Solo Exhibition
"Case studies : Athens, 2010"
6 October- 19 December, 2012
Carré Amelot
Espace Culturel Ville de la Rochelle
Opening on Thursday, 18 October, 6.30pm.

Construire, détruire
29 September-27 October, 2012
Opening Saturday 29 September 5pm-8pm.
Galerie Françoise Paviot
57, rue Sainte-Anne
75002 Paris
works by Dieter Appelt, E.Denis Baldus, Myriam Bucquoit, L.Emile Durandelle, Bogdan Konopka, Jürgen Nefzger, Mark Ruwedel, Toshio Shibata

FIAC -Foire Internationale d'Art Contemporain, Paris
18-21 October, 2012
Galerie Françoise Paviot
Jürgen Nefzger will be present for the official opening of FIAC on Wednesday 17th.
Spain, 2012
pigment print 160X195 cm Edition 1/5
Documents pour une information alternative
Curated by Pascal Beausse
Centre national des arts plastiquesEspace Van Gogh
2 July- 23 September, 2012
works by Philippe Bazin, Pierre Faure, Valérie Jouve, Andrea Keen, Olivier Menanteau, Jürgen Nefzger, Mathieu Pernot, Red Caballo, Bruno Serralongue..

Be here now
Selected works from Art Collection Deutsche Börse featuring works by Anna&Bernhard Blume, Geert Goiris, Jitka Hanzlová, Candida Höfer, Jürgen Nefzger, Ricarda Roggan, Stephen Shore and Erwin Wurm...
Art Collection Deutsche Börse
The Cube, Eschborn, Germany
29 March-30 June, 2012
Opening reception 29 March, 2012 6.30pm

White Future
Chung ChuHa
Fusako Kodama
Jürgen Nefzger
GoEun Museum of Photography
24March-24June, 2012
Opening reception 24March, 2012 5pm

L'arbre et le photographe
Galerie de l'ENSBA
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris
Paris, France
3 February-22April, 2012

Fondation Ricard invites Rudolf Bonvie and Jürgen Nefzger to an artist talk with Benedicte Ramade and Françoise Paviot. Followed by a screening of Valdecaballeros by Jürgen Nefzger
Tuesday 31 January, 2012 7pm
Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, Paris

Rhapsodies nucléaires
Rudolf Bonvie
Jürgen Nefzger
Mark Ruwedel
Galerie Françoise Paviot
57, rue Sainte-Anne
75002 Paris
14 Octobre-10 December, 2011

Paris Photo 2011
10-13 November, 2011
Grand Palais, Paris
Galerie Françoise Paviot
Booth B-44

Les Images manquantes
Symposium 24-25 October, 2011
organised by LE BAL-La fabrique du Regard
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, EHESS,Paris
a screening of the series "Athens" by Jürgen Nefzger will take place on monday afternoon .

Echappée belle
Cité de l'Image
Gardens of Château de Clervaux
15 September, 2011 - 14 September, 2012